Fill out this form, and we will call you in approximately 10 minutes during business hours. lf you prefer, you can call now and we will gladly address your concerns.
When you plan to start a block making business, you might not know how to choose a suitable machine, how many workers they’lneed, how muchcapacily they want to produce a dav or even have a clear idea on how to operate such a business. The qood news is there’s no need to worry about allthat, because with more than 30 years experience, we willgive you some helpful suggestions and guide you through the process.
We will do the market research with you, to know the raw materials cost, the blocks sales price and we’ll give you the cost-benefit analysis and so on
We will do the market research with you, to know the raw materials cost, the blocks sales price and we’ll give you the cost-benefit analysis and so on.
We have some rich experience in different markets, and as such we’ll recommend you the popular blocks in your market or customize the blocks for you …..
Our factory has three manufacturing bases that cover an area of 500acres and a plant construction area of 100,000 square meters. Weare always developing advanced products to international standardsto meet consumer demands. We can offer our customers all types ofsolutions with various machine models. We have exported blockmachines to more than 116 countries on 5 continents and received ahigh reputation from all customers. Currently
Our factory has three manufacturing bases that cover an area of 500acres and a plant construction area of 100,000 square meters. Weare always developing advanced products to international standardsto meet consumer demands. We can offer our customers all types ofsolutions with various machine models. We have exported blockmachines to more than 116 countries on 5 continents and received ahigh reputation from all customers. Currently